Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thankfulness Day 28

Today was a very long day. 
It was also not a very fun day.  I was the bearer of news that I didn’t want to be.  My work computer stopped being able to charge. I taught  my discussion based class where my students are feeling quite lazy and unwilling to discuss.  Now, discussion went well today, despite my worries-but I was in a funk.   I didn’t really get as much done as I had hoped.  I had to yell at my freshman for being horribly distracting while my TA taught class.  I am exhausted and I don’t want to continue to work tonight (but I will when I’m done writing this). 
Now that is my Debbie Downer talking and I don’t want the rest of my day to be colored by that. 
So today I am going to find all of my thankfulness.
I am thankful for a tough workout.  Even though my body aches everywhere it was great and I would not change it. 
I am thankful for understanding friends.  No one ever wants to be the bearer of bad news, especially to people they care about.  Thank you for being a wonderful person.
I am thankful for my TA.  My TA noticed I in a horrible mood and having a bad day.  He told me after teaching that he just wanted  to do a good job so my day would be easier. 
I am thankful for little kids.  Today I got to have breakfast with my friend’s Little Miss who told me all about how she was going to ask Santa for a doll house and Barbies. She made my day better.  Then this evening I got to have a jumping party with my daughter and husband.  What is a jumping party you might ask?  Well, my girlie just recently learned how to jump and she loves it, but she likes you to do it with her.  So we all held hands and jumped.  For the record, I am also thankful for stopping because after the morning workout, squatting and jumping is HARD WORK. 
I am thankful for Amazon.  Seriously, how did my parents ever shop for me when I was old enough to know what was going on without the internet?  Amazon has been dropping Christmas goodies at the house all week and I’m excited for everyone to open them. 
I am thankful for cuddles with kittens and one minute peanut butter cake.  No explanation necessary. 
I am thankful for running.  So I just threw up in my mouth a little saying that, but let me explain.  I still hate running, but I can admit that I feel very accomplished when I do it.  A friend and I are running a 10K in May.  I keep writing that a lot lately so we don’t chicken out. 
And lastly for today, I am thankful for my work ethic. Because even though I am tired, even though I don’t wanna, I’m going to do a little work so I can feel better about work stress.

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