Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Year New You

So town where I live sponsors this New Year New You competition every year.  The idea is to spur/remind the community of the importance of exercise for health and eating your fruits and vegetables.  You earn points for eating your fruits and vegetables and exercising as well as working towards a health goal.  So this year I've jumped on board with a team from work and my husband is on board to.  We start the week of the 9th and it goes for 8 weeks.  Each team member is super accountable to their team because what you turn is a team average that actually gets printed in the local paper. 
I'm looking forward to the extra motivation.  I have invested in the Biggest Loser Challenge for Wii which I really do like.  It makes me feel like I'm actually working unlike Wii Fit.  I've also found that I can go back to spin class.  My breathing has much improved since my new allergy meds are in the picture and I have a rescue inhaler just in case. 
So this will be my next adventure.  

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas (Eve)

As my husband sorts through his one present that he got to open my daughter sleep soundly in her bed.  I smile and think of how lucky I am to have them.  Merry Christmas to all.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Semester Closed

On Thursday, I entered in my grades and finished my semester.

Overall, it was good.  My students were participated in class, for the most part, which made my semester go well.  I have a decent start on my Spring semester syllabi.  I should be able to finish up during Christmas Break naps.  I was able to help out another department with their accreditation process.  And I am learning alot about the assessment process.  I was inspired to do more reading about pedagogy as well. It was an unexpected side effect.

Little Miss decided to go to bed early and I don't exactly know what to do with myself.  A part of me said yoga, a part of me wants to read, another play video games.  I don't have any new fiction to read (BUT I know that some must lie under the Christmas tree!) so I don't really want to restart something.  I may be ambitious and do yoga, but the cat might have the right idea about napping. I'm just not feeling the video games.  I'm watching cheesy Hallmark Christmas movies while putzing around on the internet. 

On an up note, I was able to make it through spin class today with only the normal level of heavy breathing and no trying to pass out.  I'm going to exercise all week, but getting up at 5:45 to make 6am exercise class just seems very early. 

I'm very excited for Christmas! I can wait for Little Miss to open presents.  I realize eventually she will feel hosed that she will sometimes get Christmas/Birthday gifts, but it is kinda fun.  As she gets bigger, we could just do a week of little presents to get to her birthday.  She is just going to be fun to open things with.  As I was telling my husband, opening gifts may take until nap time with all of the gift wrap ripping that will happen. 

We are having cupcakes in honor of Little Miss's birthday just after the new year.  I'm making snowman cupcakes and that's all the fussing I'm going to do.  They'll be cute and fun to smash. 

Well, time to decide if I do yoga or curl up on the couch.  I think it's still 50/50.

Monday, December 12, 2011

The End & Beginnings

I can admit it.  Professors look forward to finals week and break times just as much as students do.  My papers are graded and my tests are written.  I will have to grade the tests, of course, but that is not a giant hardship. 
I am currently working on my syllabi for next semester.  I should be able to finish my intro syllabus right away in the morning.  I was writing assignments, but my mind is about done.  I'm trying to figure out what to do to make my bio psychology class more exciting for my students and I.  I'm not sure what the answer is. I would like to finish all of my syllabi and my work for another department this week so I can just kick back all break.  We shall see. 
On a non-work related note, my allergies tried to make me pass out today.  I went to spin class and couldn't breathe, then couldn't catch my breath and keep my color.  It was super lame.  This lead to me going to the doctor, saying hello to my friend flonase (it's been so long since I was medicated regularly!), and getting a rescue inhaler just in case.  I'm thinking I will just hit the gym tomorrow with cardio at my own speed on the bike or elliptical to give my flonase a chance to catch up.  I'm hoping to not end up feeling like that again tomorrow.  I'm still rather tired as result of all that.
I'm still voting on snow for Christmas, but I think we are ready to go around here.  Christmas with Parker is going to be awesome.  She's going to love wrapping paper, I mean, her toys... 

Saturday, December 3, 2011


I'll take time for a short little update, but that is all for now.  I'm going to attempt to work on some test writing.  I know that is rather sad as it is a Saturday night, but I'm 3 tests from being done with the semester. 
I successfully was thankful for 30 days via facebook.  It was a nice idea which I appreciated. 
I'm excited to start work on next semester's syllabi.  I love the planning side of things sometimes.  If I could justify it to myself, I would start now before my tests were written. 

I've been getting rid of some of the weight.  I need to be careful as it is the season of sweets, but I have high hopes for myself.  That's all I've got for now.