Sunday, August 28, 2011

Stealing a moment

Little Miss is off to dreamland (hopefully for the night)- even though she went to sleep early.  She was anti-nap today which made for a cranky pants.  Also we were able to inspect her mouth a little more.  She was hiding a second tooth from us!  This explains her sleeping habits for the last while. 
It's been a busy weekend.  Friday I hosted a little party for some of the most fun women I know.  I am relaxing as I write this and drinking the last drink left in the pitcher.  Pineapple upside martinis for the win. I am also attempting to can applesauce at this moment.  We'll see how it goes.  If the canning goes well, I'm going to try brandied apples. 
It is my plan to watch the Great Food Truck Race (I totally love this show!) and finish some grading and a lecture.  I'm feeling a little behind about work at this moment.  I'm not.  I'm done with lectures for two of my classes for the week.  However, I don't have lectures for the other two and I'm going to need them by Tuesday.  The one lectures is 3/4 done...and the other well.... is not started.  Time to get started.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I'll cut you...

That is if you are an apple.  Because that's what I do every few days around our house right now.  Peel, core, and cut apples.  Then repeat... a lot.  I couldn't even tell you how many apples I've dealt with since the crop that is our backyard has come in.  I should have counted tonight, but then I would probably  be driven to drinking at the realization.  All I know is that is was just over an hour of peeling excreta.  The day of me being very very sick of apples is coming.  But for now I will rejoice over the  beauty of my homemade fruit leather. 

So far so good with classes.  Tomorrow the real work begins. Well, I need to finish the applesauce before I can go to bed.  Productivity really has a price.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Eat like a Baby?

As I write this, I am sitting at the dining room table watching little miss decide whether she wants to eat her rice cracker or smash it all over her face.  Now I'm not saying that smashing food all over our faces would be helpful, nor am I professing a desire to eat my food in puree form.  However, all of us can probably stand to eat a little slower and really take the time to decide if we are hungry (I know I could).  I'm having a vague recollection of a French approach to food that touts that we should savor our food that would support this point.  Apparently my daughter is already more cutting edge than me.  Damn.


Today is my first day of classes.  And I'm more of a nerd than normal.  I'm wearing my first day of school clothes (translation a new outfit).  There's nothing like having something new to wear for the first day of school.  It helps me miss little missy a little less.  It also helps that she got up before I came to work so I got a few smiles and hugs. 

Dinner is in the crockpot. I'm looking like a Stepford wife (hopefully one that is old enough to teach!) and I'm feeling good today. 
Time for lunch.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Summer is History

I've always been a person who tries to do too much.  I always think that I can handle the one more thing.  In fact, most of the time I don't notice that I am a little stressed (I think I'm broken because of surviving graduate school).  I'm a mostly responsible adult who loves teaching (on most days), thinks that the best smile I see if when my daughter wakes up, and demands 3 kisses instead of just one from my husband (I think the sad part is that I don't even remember why it is 3 anymore.  It is just part of my life and who I am).

I won't say that I'm horribly interesting because we all know I'm rather boring and lame (but I like lame).  I just wanted to have a place to account my adventures in trying to balance my life and feel good about everything I am doing.  Now who knows if I will ever figure out balance, but I would settle for a tight rope walk that I enjoy.  If I could survive on 6 hours of sleep, I think that would help as well.   

So today I took 10 minutes to start this blog.  Now on to dealing with mundane things like washing the apple crop of the day, taking a shower, and picking up the house.  Hopefully, I can do all this in less than an hour so I can read a little bit too.  I always forget how trips to the library practically turn me into an addict.