Monday, December 19, 2011

Semester Closed

On Thursday, I entered in my grades and finished my semester.

Overall, it was good.  My students were participated in class, for the most part, which made my semester go well.  I have a decent start on my Spring semester syllabi.  I should be able to finish up during Christmas Break naps.  I was able to help out another department with their accreditation process.  And I am learning alot about the assessment process.  I was inspired to do more reading about pedagogy as well. It was an unexpected side effect.

Little Miss decided to go to bed early and I don't exactly know what to do with myself.  A part of me said yoga, a part of me wants to read, another play video games.  I don't have any new fiction to read (BUT I know that some must lie under the Christmas tree!) so I don't really want to restart something.  I may be ambitious and do yoga, but the cat might have the right idea about napping. I'm just not feeling the video games.  I'm watching cheesy Hallmark Christmas movies while putzing around on the internet. 

On an up note, I was able to make it through spin class today with only the normal level of heavy breathing and no trying to pass out.  I'm going to exercise all week, but getting up at 5:45 to make 6am exercise class just seems very early. 

I'm very excited for Christmas! I can wait for Little Miss to open presents.  I realize eventually she will feel hosed that she will sometimes get Christmas/Birthday gifts, but it is kinda fun.  As she gets bigger, we could just do a week of little presents to get to her birthday.  She is just going to be fun to open things with.  As I was telling my husband, opening gifts may take until nap time with all of the gift wrap ripping that will happen. 

We are having cupcakes in honor of Little Miss's birthday just after the new year.  I'm making snowman cupcakes and that's all the fussing I'm going to do.  They'll be cute and fun to smash. 

Well, time to decide if I do yoga or curl up on the couch.  I think it's still 50/50.

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