Thursday, April 26, 2012


So today I took my asthma test.  They had me breathe into a tube normally. Then you have to take a deep breathe in and then blow hard and push all the air out of your lungs.  After they got a base line reading, they starting giving me medication to provoke a reaction.  There are five steps to the medications.  If you make it through all of the steps with no reaction you are good to go.  If you have a reaction at any step, you have to stop and take a different set of meds to stop the reaction. 
I started to have problems at step 4 and after step 5 I was taking the inhaler.  So something is going on at least.  I'm back to my regular doctor on Tuesday to find out what I should be doing about all of this.  The inhaler had weird side effects.  My hands and feet felt like they were asleep, but shaking.  I felt shaky and wired.  It was not so fun, but after 5 minutes I could breathe better and within 20 I was less jittery. 
So I decided to mow the lawn... and now my nose is stuffed.  Not my best decision. 

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