Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Goals for 2014

1) Actually adhere to a few hours of research a week for work. I do decently at this until I get behind then I drop all motivation to do this like a bad habit.

2) Add foam rolling to my bedtime routine.  This will be a few minutes just for me, every day.

3) Run my first half marathon.  Start training next week.  I'm scared and excited and scared.

4) Actively involve little one in food choices.  I want to really focus on expanding her willingness to try food so that she eats more of what we eat.

5) Build some muscle.  I'd really like to focus on my arms and abs.  The abs for running speed and arms because of total vanity. Ab bootcamp for the abs and I'm working on an arm plan.

6) Eat for fuel.  I don't make hideous food choices.  I'm fairly good at maintaining my weight, but I could stand to loose 10 unnecessary pounds.  More importantly with the running I'm going to be doing I need to be more deliberate about eating things that will keep me full and motivated instead of fatigued and sugary goodness.  I'm not giving up all of anything, but I want to choose more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

I thing that's it for now, but that is a pretty intense list.

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