Alright I am going to officially sign up for another 10K in October. I'm never going to convince myself to keep my mileage if I don't have some extra motivation to kick my own butt. I received my foot pod last week so I can use my fancy gps watch indoors. I love it. It is just more accurate than the tredmill and then I can just set it and forget it. I also have a date with my running buddy for long runs on Monday nights so that we can kick our own butts.
Next challenge. I am on my third day of the 30-day Ab Challenge. I saw it on a facebook thing I follow and I'm curious to whether I can pull it off. Especially since I know I do have super weak abs. Always have and a c-section sure didn't help. My abs hurt already so this will be an adventure.
Last challenge, I'm going to make my daughter a quiet book. Yes, I am not crafty. I know it. I used to embroider so I know I can hand sew where I need to. I found a really nice diagram for some of the things I want to do I don't plan on going crazy, I'll be using fabric glue and such. However, I just couldn't find something pre-made that I wanted and the coolest ones on etsy were WAY more than I wanted to spend. I'm going to stick to an animal theme. I want pages with button flowers, zippers, lacing, snaps, and buckles. I might try to figure out something that would involve twisting bottle caps- which is the most advanced that I'm thinking. I just think that this will really help us out when we are in the car on the way to Wyoming.
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