Monday, December 12, 2011

The End & Beginnings

I can admit it.  Professors look forward to finals week and break times just as much as students do.  My papers are graded and my tests are written.  I will have to grade the tests, of course, but that is not a giant hardship. 
I am currently working on my syllabi for next semester.  I should be able to finish my intro syllabus right away in the morning.  I was writing assignments, but my mind is about done.  I'm trying to figure out what to do to make my bio psychology class more exciting for my students and I.  I'm not sure what the answer is. I would like to finish all of my syllabi and my work for another department this week so I can just kick back all break.  We shall see. 
On a non-work related note, my allergies tried to make me pass out today.  I went to spin class and couldn't breathe, then couldn't catch my breath and keep my color.  It was super lame.  This lead to me going to the doctor, saying hello to my friend flonase (it's been so long since I was medicated regularly!), and getting a rescue inhaler just in case.  I'm thinking I will just hit the gym tomorrow with cardio at my own speed on the bike or elliptical to give my flonase a chance to catch up.  I'm hoping to not end up feeling like that again tomorrow.  I'm still rather tired as result of all that.
I'm still voting on snow for Christmas, but I think we are ready to go around here.  Christmas with Parker is going to be awesome.  She's going to love wrapping paper, I mean, her toys... 

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