I accidentally took the semester off from blogging. I didn't do it purposefully, exactly. I did it out of self preservation.
Teaching a 3 credit overload is not so much fun. Don't get me wrong. I like the extra money, but I became overwhelmed and/or burned out from the semester way too soon. It just felt like I couldn't keep up. Too much to prep, too much to grade. I'm not saying I would not do it again. However, I would much rather do it with classes I have taught before. The one new prep make this hurt more.
So I'm now into summer school. I'm teaching a little more summer school than I thought I would. Again, it is more money which is good. And it is all relaxed scheduling of classes I have taught before. I'm also beta testing my new Intro book for the fall which is working out pretty good.
On the fitness front, I can say it. Here it is, out loud, for the internet. I think I like running. Okay, okay, I like running. I like having a race to train for. It keeps me motivated. Don't get me wrong, sometimes I get super trapped in my head when on the track. However, I feel very powerful when I push myself. I also like races. They are a nice challenge with others. I never thought I would say this, but I think I might run a half marathon in the future. I really thought I would die before saying that (and by no means will it be easy).
Where is all of this from? I ran my first 10K at the Fargo Marathon on May 18. It was crazy. There are so many people. Even when you are not particularly fast (which is how I classify me, but I'm way faster than I thought), you always seem to be passing people. It was rainy and my shoes were heavy and hard, but it was amazing. Having that medal put around your neck is the neatest feeling. I hope to run the 10K there again next year- that is, if the marathon weekend is not the same as graduation (I'm really hoping it is not). My running friend and I are thinking maybe a two year plan to a half. My husband swears that by the end of the summer, I'm going to think I'm big and could run a half next year. I guess we'll see.
I like how running is increasing my fitness. My body is holding weight so much differently now which is neat. I'll like to loose a little more fat and put on some more muscle this summer, but we'll see how it goes.
Health wise- it was a rough semester full of colds. And at the moment girlie's skin is killing me. My daughter is all red faced and puffy. Apparently I picked the wrong type of sunscreen and well that's the result. I know it could be worse. I know she is just somewhat uncomfortable, but I HATE seeing her like this. It makes me super neurotic. Hence, why I am blogging- it's called a distraction. Okay, time to maybe focus though.