Monday, September 26, 2011

There is a thief in my midst

My cat stole my stamps.  She climbed on top of the fridge to unhook the stamps and steal them away.  Then I stood around and called her a thieving whore for 10 minutes while I couldn't find my stamps.  It made me feel better.  I have since found the stamps as she is not a good thief and got them stuck to a cabinet next to the fridge.  Oh help me if she ever actually becomes stealthy. 

Friday, September 16, 2011

Shivering and Dreaming of Food

It is absolutely freezing in my office at work.  I'm sitting next to my space heater and wrapped in a blanket.  It is rather ridiculous.  It's been awhile before I've written anything, but as my case of the Friday's is preventing further work today I thought this would be like doing something productive.
A case of the Fridays, in case you did not know, is a low desire to be productive about future work on a Friday.  I'm normally very careful about using my time when I'm at work, but I don't teach until late afternoon.  I did get a little done, but I'm not super excited about more work.  So I am blogging and looking at recipes.  I'm obsessed with easy food lately.  I realize that though I love to cook and find it rather relaxing, I need to spend less time some days so my husband does not feel like I'm constantly cooking instead of watching the baby.  So my goal is to use my slow cooker once a week and save more time consuming meals for the weekend. 
Alright maybe I can accomplish something easy before my office hours are over.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

So sleepy

My household does not have any grand plans for the long weekend.  However, we are busy bees.  My husband is out of town trying to save the world.  He using his vast imagination for the good of the gaming community.  I just hope he is having fun. 
I succeeded in mowing the lawn and going grocery shopping.  Then there was apple time.  Today with help of a dear friend and little Miss I made apple butter, cinnamon apple rings, apple & orange marmalade, and oatmeal and applesauce cookies.  I am so exhausted.  I'm currently sipping on a drink and relaxing with my feet up.  If I see the clock strike ten, I will be surprised.  It is a nice feeling as I was super productive and I got to hang out as well.   The only drawback is that I was sick of cooking by the time I needed to figure out dinner so I ordered Chinese food.  It is too much work to keep typing.  Good night moon.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Domestic Goddess, maybe

Sometimes l am in awe of how much I love to cook.  When I was younger, I would have laughed at you if future me would have told young me, "you will enjoy cooking." I just love picking out what we will be eating and taking the time to cook.  Now that's the kicker, time.  There is school, daughter, and house that all say I should just do something simple and get on with my night.  So I am doing more exploring of easy things.  This month I'm thinking that I will try using my crockpot once a week.  It might buy me a little piece of mind.  The problem is then finding recipes that are flavorful.  I really dislike bland food.  I also don't like to eat the exact same thing every week. This makes this crockpot mission difficult as so far the only crockpot recipes I love are for pot roast, pulled pork, and chipotle burritos.  I'm going to try a gravy steak this next week. 
So my canning experiment worked out.  I have now canned two batches of applesauce and this weekend I'm going to attempt apple butter.  It should be interesting.I also baked applesauce muffins to help deplete the apple population. 